Along with his longtime Australian collaborators, Ben Jackson and James Dimmock, Dartmouth Speech professor Josh Compton has published a new edited volume entitled Persuasion and Communication in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity.
The book features essays from renowned international experts in the fields of sport and exercise psychology and communication, each of which uses powerful insights from inoculation theory and other models of persuasion to discover new ways of encouraging people to increase their levels of physical activity and improve their experiences in sports and exercise.
For Compton, the book signals the opening of a new frontier for inoculation theory. As he explains, "Much of the applied work to this point has fit into neat categories of politics, health, or commerce, but now, we're seeing more and more research into domains of education and science communication and interpersonal relationships and now, with this work, sport, exercise, and physical activity. I think inoculation theory is poised to take off in ways we haven't even imagined yet, and I'm excited to be a part of that."